Impact Measurement

How we'll make sure the plan works.

Understanding Our Approach:

Our Youth Football Framework focuses on outcomes. It is designed to measure what matters most: the real-world impact of the Youth Football Framework on young players, coaches and the wider football community. 

Short-Term Impact (0-6 months):

Our immediate objectives are to:  

  • foster widespread awareness and enthusiasm for the Youth Football Framework 
  • ensure early adoption and engagement among players, coaches and parents through targeted communications and introductory workshops. 

Medium-Term Impact (7-18 months):

We aim to embed the framework into youth football practices, evidenced by: 

  • improved coaching standards  
  • initial impact on player development and enjoyment  
  • the establishment of a safer, more supportive playing environment. 

Long-Term Impact (19-36 months and beyond):

A transformative impact on the youth football culture in Northern Ireland, marked by:  

  • sustained participation growth 
  • the emergence of well-rounded, technically skilled players 
  • a community fully aligned with the youth football charter.  

Evolving Together:

With your feedback, we'll continue to refine and improve the Youth Football Framework, ensuring it remains responsive to the needs of our community and an example of innovation in youth sports. 

Impact Measurement